
News Stories


2023-2024 Catholic School Council Nominee Profiles

Your nominees for 2023-2024 Catholic School Council: 
Ruth Corpuz

I have been a member of Catholic School Council at Sacred Heart for five years.  During this time I held the position of Parish Representative (2018-2020) and Treasurer (2021-2023).  I earned my BBA at York University and have a CPA, CA designation.  I also volunteer at various organizations including CAYR Community

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Grade 9 Integrated Arts Showcase

The goal for our three Grade 9 Integrated Arts classes was to create and organize a commemoration of the pandemic.  We involved the entire school community in the process so that everyone had the opportunity to contribute their COVID experiences.  While our plan was to create a dynamic installation in the Triangle at school, the emergence of Omicron brought new challenges and we made the ... Continue reading "Grade 9 Integrated Arts Showcase"