Category: Board News

Update re: Possible Strike on Monday, Nov. 21

November 16, 2022


Dear Families of the York Catholic District School Board,

Earlier today CUPE served notice that they could resume their job action as soon as Monday, November 21, 2022.

In the event of a strike, York Catholic DSB will move to synchronous virtual learning on Monday. Schools will maintain their regular daily learning schedules. St. ... Continue reading "Update re: Possible Strike on Monday, Nov. 21"

COVID-19 Health and Safety Measures

The York Catholic District School Board worked closely with its partners at the Ministry of Education, York Region Public Health, and with Board staff to prepare for the return to school in September. By aligning our practices with their guidance, we are confident our schools will continue to be safe, inclusive places to learn and work throughout the 2022-2023 school year.

... Continue reading "COVID-19 Health and Safety Measures"

Bell Let’s Talk Day 2022: Supporting ourselves and each other

The York Catholic District School Board is preparing to mark Bell Let’s Talk Day on Wednesday, January 26, 2022. This year’s Bell Let’s Talk Day campaign highlights the ways that we can support ourselves and those we care about through actions like listening, being there and talking. As we continue to focus on action to increase awareness around mental health and mental illness, we ... Continue reading "Bell Let’s Talk Day 2022: Supporting ourselves and each other"

Kindergarten Registration for September 2022 is Now Open

Starting Kindergarten is an exciting time in a young child’s life, filled with new experiences and opportunities to learn and grow. Kindergarten registration at the York Catholic District School Board is now open for the 2022-23 school year that starts in September.

Children must be four years old by December 31, 2022 and born in 2018 to register in Junior Kindergarten, or five ... Continue reading "Kindergarten Registration for September 2022 is Now Open"